Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer of 2012

It's bad enough that I'm all weepy pathetic about my kids going back to school tomorrow, but then I woke up this morning with a crappy Kenny Rogers song running through my head. I have spent the day on the verge of tears with a slow motion montage of my summer running through my head.  And I can't get this goddamn song out of my head.  Come on a journey with me, if you will, of sadness.  The party's over.  Sing it, Kenny...  If you can, play the song as you read; it really adds something.

My daughter... bored at my brothers furniture-less apartment... amusing herself with plastic bags...

Sleeping peacefully on the floor at the same apartment... under the tender gaze of my children...

Receiving strange notes from my daughter; her approximations of tickets that police give out...

My neighbors discovering that Jesus is their homeboy...

My butt white son selecting sunscreen and missing the point entirely...

The whole family encountering a passed out custom ring maker/pirate in Geneva-on-the-Lake...

A rainbow shining bravely over our money pit, immediately following the electrical fire in the basement...

The peaceful joy of poking things with sticks at the beach with my children...

Getting to see Agatha again, after far too long...

She managed to convince me that I have fleas. She is so clever.

Shopping for friend's birthday parties and finding the best presents...

 Going to my 20 year reunion and getting so hammered I remember very little and got one picture. That Shirley's husband took. When he got so wasted he became obsessed with random details, like fingernails.  This is all I have to remember my reunion.

I think the black fingernails are mine.

My husband teaching me things I didn't want to know...

The weeks of random antennae...

Traveling up north;  seeing things we thought were extinct...

Leisurely day trips to exotic, educational places...

Wearing plastic gloves with Agatha so we wouldn't fingerprint mirrors...

Being super excited for Agatha to come home so we could greet her...

Realizing my son intended to spend the entire summer on Xbox Live killing people with guns...

Watching with joy as he reconnected with nature in the great outdoors...

Learning that no matter how far you travel, you can't escape your past...

It's so sad.  I hate to see another year go by.  And then today... I took the kids to the beach for a picnic to end the summer.  We sat on a grassy hill near the sand and started unwrapping our sub sandwiches and eating them; enjoying the sun, pervasive fragrance of Lake Erie and a warm breeze...

Anne: Oh no.

Me: What?  What's wrong?

Anne: Here comes my food, back up again...

Me: What are you talking about?  Are you sick?

Anne:  I'm gonna be.  Look at that dude!

Henry:  Mom, don't look. You'll die. Trust me.  I am not looking again.  That's messed up.

Me:  I must look.  I have no choice.

Henry: I warned you.

I turned and saw...

He did.  He warned me. 
