Friday, August 10, 2012

The Siberian Express

Pets are not toys.  They live a long time and you should give careful consideration to getting a new pet.  You shouldn't just drive up to the Lakewood Animal Shelter and grab a fat 3 year old grey cat because he made eyes at you and was missing a toe.  So, after a great deal of thought ... I'm bored; let's get a cat.

We got another rescue kitty.  He is a giant lump of dollbaby.  There is very little difference between him and a lump of pastry dough.

He is also a Russian Blue, which currently makes him the most expensive thing in our house.  Based on his prestigous lineage, we decided he needed an important name... a Russian name... a name we could all agree on, unlike our previous efforts... AgnesBellaRipleyDumpsDrillerWhiteKittyPoopFace

We settled on

Ivan Drago, because the similarity is uncanny.

He is the best cat.  All he wants to do is eat and be loved.  The poodles adore him.  The kids are obsessed with his sweet fatness.   The husband was delighted I picked out a pleasant, traditional cat as opposed to the shrieking bitch of a cat that I prefer.   Speaking of the shrieking bitch... his sister, Ripley, spends all her time stalking him and plotting an ass kicking...

Ivan Drago shows his affection in small ways.  He chirps at us and gives little kissies.  Also, he gifted us with this token of his love and fearsome power this morning.  Apollo Creed the Cricket had been singing in our basement for weeks.  I wonder how many rounds he went with Ivan Drago?

It's exactly what happened to Apollo Creed in Rocky IV
