Friday, June 22, 2012

And Then I Lost My Shit

So, Day 5 of Pioneer Girl Camp.  I have been tolerating the insane shit of this other mother who seems to have singled me out for her particular brand of mental, and after surviving the inane conversation yesterday... I had high hopes that I would make it through the week without killing her.  No such luck.  She was begging for it.

Pioneer Mom: (gesturing towards the Lakewood Skate Park, adjacent to the Pioneer Girl Camp)  They should pass an ordinance and make those kids wear helmets. I mean, its so dangerous and their parents don't seem to care.

Me: Oh My God!  Let's just legislate the country into a coma!  What do you care if they wear helmets or not?  The city isn't even liable!  Read the sign! 

Pioneer Mom:  But they could get hurt!  They should be made to wear helmets!

Me: Jesus Christ, you and I never wore helmets and we're alive!  We survived a helmet-free childhood.  And we both, I guarantee it, slept on our faces when we were infants and neither of us died in a pool of vomit.  If their parents don't care about their skulls, why should you?

Pioneer Mom:  But.. but... if there was a law, then...

Me: Honey, you need to relax.  I gotta go.

I almost made it through the week rage free.  But all of my dogs are suffering from a mysterious case of the spastic hippo shits, and I am wore out from wiping, scrubbing and sobbing over my upholstery.  And the "electrical issue" that had all of Lakewood Fire Department in my basement has me pretty stressed out, too.  I'm really not fit for company.

Some people care too much about EVERYTHING.

And the all-white couch may have been a mistake.
