Thursday, June 21, 2012

Please, Just Don't Talk to Me. I Don't Really Care.

( Me, dropping my daughter off at Pioneer Girl Camp today.  I am cornered by a mom I do not know.)

Other Pioneer Mom:  How are you?

Me:  Oh my God, will I be glad when this heat breaks tomorrow.  I was not meant to sweat.  I need to move further north. 

Pioneer Mom:  I know.  I've been upset all morning.

Me: Uuuuuh...yeah.  I don't follow. 

Pioneer Mom:  Climate change!   This heat wave is a direct result.  And I see all these people in Lakewood taking out trees and I think, "This is all YOUR FAULT!  Trees lower the overall ambient temperature!  So thank your neighbors! 

Me: (Don't laugh at her. Obviously the heat has her mental.)  Hmmm... imagine if Lakewood had no pavement?  Just dirt roads.  That's good for a degree or two, huh?

Pioneer Mom:  Exactly!  And blacktop is the worst!  And more trees!  That would solve the global warming crisis.  But people don't care.

Me:  And houses.  Imagine if there were no houses.  How many more degrees would that be?  It'd be like Finland here.  (grinning)

Pioneer Mom:  Climate change is a serious issue.  I was being serious.

Me:  I'm sorry.  You're right.  

...and I walked away, trying to look ashamed of myself, as she stared at me with narrowed eyes, indignant and green.  (And definitely sustainable, local and organic. Lol.)

 I actually had this conversation today.  The social laws of my daughter's pioneer day camp required that I stand there and listen to this shit.   And aren't you proud of me?  I think I'm making social progress!   I nearly made it through the whole damn conversation without making a snide remark!  Very nearly!
