Monday, May 21, 2012

Brother and Sister Mysteries

Sarah, ,my daughter, and I were cleaning out some storage cupboards when we found our Disneyland folder. Seven years ago we all packed up in our car and drove there. Gas was $2.17 a gallon and we used a TripTik. Yes, a AAA TripTik, a flip book of maps leading us to our destination. In 2005 not every one had a GPS. I find this terribly quaint and nostalgic.

Kids, this is a MAP it doesn't talk. 

Also,a travel agent, one I found on the internet but an agent. Does anyone do that anymore? Included in the folder, the dogs vet certification so she could stay at the doggie hotel, and the oil change receipt . Why? Clearly I was out of my mind.

The treasure is included on a piece of paper that I was using for mileage calculations. Who was I?

"Stop biting your sister's toes!"

"Get that rat out of my hair!"
"She's throwing a rat at me!"
"Sarah, don't throw the rat."

"David is torturing me with his eyes!"

"David is hiding from me!"

It is at this point that I would like to say that my son, David, was 13 and Sarah was 10. Why were her toes near his face? His first impulse was to bite them? The rat was a puppet? And does she want him to interact with her or not? Brother and sister mysteries that may never be solved.