Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I don't really expect any of this to make sense to any of you.  The who and the why are not important, what is important is that Frieda Kahlo and Chaka from Land of the Lost met today on Facebook.  And it was good.  I think the world is ready for a Chaka and Frieda reality show.  It could be called "All Brows on Us."

It's blurry because my IPhone sucks, Winston. A-hem. It's a piece of crap.


UPDATE:  And then Chaka Khan joined us and awesome filled the world.  Because that's what Amy does.  She is the anchorman of awesome.  I think it is interesting that with the exception of maybe 4 combined hours of random, quick visits  I HAVE NOT SEEN EITHER OF THESE WOMEN IN 16 YEARS.  And yet, we all intuitively see the genius of a band consisting of Chaka Khan, Frieda Kahlo and Chaka from Land of the Lost.  Those tickets would sell themselves, at like $3-7 dollars a throw.